378. Convert Binary Search Tree to Doubly Linked List [LintCode]
Convert a binary search tree to doubly linked list with in-order traversal.
Given a binary search tree:
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Divide and Conquer方法,针对每一个节点,创建DoublyListNode,并且与所返回的left分支的last节点,和right分支的first节点相连接。同时根据左右分支返回的情况,判断并返回包括当前节点的一坨分支的first和last节点是什么。总体来说就是创建节点+连接节点+返回情况。
* Definition of TreeNode:
* public class TreeNode {
* public int val;
* public TreeNode left, right;
* public TreeNode(int val) {
* this.val = val;
* this.left = this.right = null;
* }
* }
* Definition for Doubly-ListNode.
* public class DoublyListNode {
* int val;
* DoublyListNode next, prev;
* DoublyListNode(int val) {
* this.val = val;
* this.next = this.prev = null;
* }
* }
class ResultType {
DoublyListNode first;
DoublyListNode last;
public ResultType (DoublyListNode first, DoublyListNode last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
public class Solution {
* @param root: The root of tree
* @return: the head of doubly list node
public DoublyListNode bstToDoublyList(TreeNode root) {
// Write your code here
if (root == null) {
return null;
ResultType resultType = helper(root);
return resultType.first;
private ResultType helper(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return null;
ResultType left = helper(root.left);
ResultType right = helper(root.right);
ResultType resultType = new ResultType(null, null);
DoublyListNode curtNode = new DoublyListNode(root.val);
if (left == null) {
resultType.first = curtNode;
} else {
left.last.next = curtNode;
curtNode.prev = left.last;
resultType.first = left.first;
if (right == null) {
resultType.last = curtNode;
} else {
curtNode.next = right.first;
right.first.prev = curtNode;
resultType.last = right.last;
return resultType;